Together we can fight poverty and mitigate the impact of climate change in Nicaragua

Thanks to your donation we support 405 fair trade small-scale coffee producers (including 156 women) by strengthening the agroforest in which they live, by renewing their coffee plants with species more resistant to climate change and last but not least by planting thousands of new forest and fruit trees to increase biodiversity and household food security.
The project will ensure coffee farmers' access to the voluntary carbon market, allowing them to differentiate their income and strengthen the long-term sustainability of the project.

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Why donate? Our values

Our mission
Justice for People and the Planet is our mission.
We combat poverty through fair trade, supporting and promoting Sustainable Development projects that help people around the world transform their lives and protect ecosystems.

Our vision
A world freed from the scandal of poverty, where trade is fair and people and communities can prosper in peace.

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We are committed to the confidentiality and protection of your personal data. The processing of personal data is carried out with the utmost care and in accordance with applicable regulations on privacy and security (EU General Data Protection Regulation 679/2016, hereinafter "GDPR" and/ or "Regulation"; D.lgs. 196/2003 and s.m.i.).

For more information contact us:
Registered office: Bolzano in via Roma n.61
Operational office:Trento in via della Prepositura n.32
Tel: +39 0461 232791

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